
The universe of sense perceptible matter and living beings came to exist mysteriously from an unseen and imperceptible source termed energy by science and spirit by religious wisdom. Scriptural wisdom considers spirit as an indivisible unity of energy and consciousness like two sides of a coin.

The story of the origin of the universe from an invisible energy-spirit, begins with a field of non-differentiation that existed for thousands of years after the origin of the universe. Then, gradually different kinds of matter. It took almost 10 billion years for our planet earth to appear. It took another billion years for life to emerge from matter.  

Living beings are more than material bodies. They are considered to have a mind. Mind is thought to be a manifestation of consciousness like the body is of energy.

Science limits its scope to matter and energy, while it is silent on mind and consciousness. On the other hand, scriptural wisdom studies both matter and mind. It considers them to be as indivisible from each other as two sides of a coin, or as interiority from exteriority. Mind is what runs the behaviour of the external body from within.