Holistic Science

Figure 3 graphically shows the concept of Holistic Science as the subject matter that correlates seamlessly between modern natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences and humanities on one side and ancient scriptural wisdom on the other.

ecause of the interdisciplinary nature of investigation needed for the science of human transformation, our work led us to the identification of a concept of holistic science. See Figure 3 for its graphical depiction.

In words, the concept of holistic science can be stated as the subject matter that correlates seamlessly between modern natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences and humanities on one side and ancient scriptural wisdom on the other. It may be the subject matter that is common to them all or it may be common to some but un-conflicting with the others.

The concept highlights the need of both expert subject matter research as well that of interdisciplinary research. It also highlights the benefit that can accrue from using multiple or alternative perspectives to research, teach or explain the subject matter. In addition, it highlights the benefits that can accrue in inter-validation of the truths and enhancing public understanding of the science of transformation.

Natural life without strategic regulation of its speed is problematic. Conscious effort regularly applied in strategic regulation of its speed transforms life with a method as simple as conscious breathing. With life so transformed, humanity can address multiple evasive problems of global scale and the effort needed is certainly not Herculean.