Fulfillment Instincts

This brings us to the enumeration of a second group of natural forces or instincts that get programmed in our genetic memory by virtue of the level of evolution of our consciousness. We may called this group as fulfillment instincts to distinguish them from those called survival instincts discussed above:

1.       Tolerance,

2.      Acceptance,

3.      Inclusion,

4.      Community,

5.      Purpose,

6.      Love,

7.      Empathy,

8.      Compassion,

9.      Kindness,

10.   Inhibition, and

11.   Sacrifice.

This latter group of genetic programming may be considered weaker than the former. The terms strong and weak are suggestive of their brute force. Although both the groups are natural, inherent and inbuilt, the first group, being narrowly centered on the self, is aggressive, divisive, overpowering, enslaving and automatic while the second group is gentle, unifying and liberating but needs nurture and conscious cultivation.

We are all born with the first group of “me and my” orientation. The second group helps us transition from “me and my” orientation alone to the inclusion of others.

Being overpowered by the first group is natural while education and effort are needed to cultivate the second. The first group is considered as rational while the latter is relegated to the irrationality of “blind faith” or “unexamined acceptance”. The current focus of the academy is limited to the strong survival instincts alone. The purpose of our research is to expand this narrow focus to include the instincts of self-fulfillment because both of them are equally natural, thus scientific.