Human Brain: Physical Expression of Our Mind

The figure on the right shows the physiological tools used by various abilities of our mind.

We referred to a conscious faculty enabling thought and decision making, a points to its correlate named as neo-cortex. We referred to a semi-automatic or subconscious emotional faculty, b points to its correlate called the limbic brain. Most of all, we referred to as a totally unconscious and automatic faculty running the essential survival functions of the body, c points to its correlate called as the brain stem.

If the brain was a computer, these three may be thought of as its central processing unit comprising three specializing components, one (c) of fully automatic operation of the body as a machine, one (b) for semi-automatic operation and one (a) for manual over-ride of all automation.

A computer is useless without an input output system, d points to the nervous system spread all over the body inputting stimuli information to the central processing system and outputting the response of the brain to the body. Finally, e pointes to the spine through which the nerves connect with the brain.

 We talked about measurable brain activity heart beats in the human embryo at six weeks after fertilization, all automatic and unconscious. The brain cannot operate the body of which both are parts without any communication between the two. The communication largely happens in two ways: electrically through the nervous system and chemically through neurotransmitters called hormones. The two systems are not independent and unconnected, one affects the working of the other.

Stimuli and response communication generates nervous traffic. Nerves are classified as autonomic and somatic according to their function. Together, they communicate the following types of stimuli and action response: (1) autonomic between the vital survival organs located along the core body and brain running the essential survival functions of the body on a 24/7 basis, (2) automatic or semi-automatic stimuli arising out of unconscious phylogenetic and epigenetic memory uncontrollably bubbling into our conscious mind during our dreaming and  waking states, (3) conscious stimuli arising  out of strategically planned interactions with our surrounding environment during our waking state as instigated by our phylogenetic instincts, and (4) considered decisions and feelings and thoughts in our conscious mind inspired by our self-fulfilling instincts. The autonomic nerves carry traffic of type (1) along the inner core body while the other traffic is largely carried by the somatic nerves along the skeletal muscles to operate the active senses to respond to the external stimuli.

The four types of nervous traffic listed in the previous paragraph are essentially three as the (2) and (3) are rooted in the same source. Yet they are different because (2) is driven either unconsciously or subconsciously while (3) is driven by entirely by conscious mind. The differentiation shows how our conscious mind can be enslaved and hijacked by the unconscious or the subconscious.

The traffic resulting from (1) is ever present during our waking, dreaming or dreamless sleep states, that resulting from (2) and (3) are present in waking and dream sleep states, while (3) can only be there in our conscious waking state. Life can be lived with (1) and (2) only. The generality of humans add (3). These three are all survival driven. Life driven by survival alone is a falsely selfish and divisive life in stress, disease and suffering. This kind of life is driven like an automatic machine at a high speed by its unconscious and subconscious nervous traffic.

Rare developed humans add (4) to the mix. This one is driven by life fulfillment instincts of human mind. A fulfilled life survives better in true selfishness, unity, health, happiness and harmony. The speed of life of a fulfilled person is slowed by a manual override of its conscious considered behavior.