Natural Forces in the Mental Domain

For living beings which certainly possess mind, there are additional forces to govern their interactive behaviour. These forces are generally referred to as instincts or tendencies of the mind. They are naturally inbuilt into the mind of every individual life form. They are studied in the social science called psychology.

Every life form is temporary; it is born, it sustains for a period, and then it dies. The natural forces in the mental domain are thus all related with continuation and quality of survival. These forces can be divided into two groups: (1) Strong, and (1) Weak.

Group 1 – Strong Forces

  1. Self-protection against death,
  2. Sustenance,
  3. Procreation,
  4. Sense Enjoyment, and
  5. Herd or ego identity.

Group 2 – Weak Forces

  1. Tolerance,
  2. Acceptance,
  3. Inclusion,
  4. Community,
  5. Purpose,
  6. Love,
  7. Empathy,
  8. Compassion,
  9. Kindness,
  10. Inhibition, and
  11. Sacrifice.

The first group of these forces are related with self-preservation or self-enjoyment while the second group with self-fulfillment or self-development. The names strong and weak are suggestive only of their brute force. Although both the groups are inherent and inbuilt, the first group is aggressive, divisive. Overpowering, enslaving and automatic while the second group is gentle, unifying and liberating but needs nurture and conscious cultivation.

We are all born with the first group of “me and my” orientation. The second group helps us transition from “me and my” orientation to others.

Being overpowered by the first group is natural while education is needed to cultivate the second. The academy focuses current education on survival only.  The purpose of UIDF is to help nonprofit community organizations facilitate reorienting the focus of the academy to survival and self-fulfillment.