Weak Natural Forces in the Mental Domain

Self-fulfillment forces of acceptance, inclusion and love and are rooted naturally in the survival needs of sustenance and protection of the family, herd and community. Its natural circle of acceptance and inclusion is limited to “me” and “my” circle, family, herd and community.

In addition, there is an intangible need of connection inherited from the oneness of our shared origin. Whatever we may think the source origin of the universe is, all diverse beings share the same source. The truth of the shared a source is reflected naturally in acceptance of diversity called unconditionally inclusive love and acceptance. It unifies us with the entire existence.

When we love someone, we become one with them and feel their pain. This is called empathy. Empathy leads to compassion and kindness. When we feel empathy, compassion and kindness, we sacrifice ourselves for the other. Love of the other transcends our own selfishness. The act of self-sacrifice is the most fulfilling act for humankind. When we feel fulfilled, we are happy and blissful. This is how we want to be.

What prevents us from being lovingly kind and inclusive? It is the weakness of the feeling of the shared source. Knowledge is stronger than feeling. How do we know about something that is imperceptible by the organs of cognition? We do not anything about it. We cannot say anything about it either because our language is limited by our cognitive organs. How can we claim it to be the truth if it cannot be validated with sense perception? Is there another way of knowing and validating the truth?