UIDF Vision

Althouigh, we are a local Canadain initiative, we envision internationalizing with the spawing sister organizations in other countries. Cultivation of Unity in diversity is not only a local need, it is badly needed all over the world.

With evidence based transformation, we envision ending racial bigotry, we envision ending religiou discrimination, we envison engendering peaceful and harmonious coexistence, we envision help ending all discrimination based upon the differences in caste, creed, colour, geneder, geneder orientation, natinaliity, language and the like. We envision ending human suffering of noncommunicable stress caused physical disease, mental disease, learning and executive disorders, and the likes. We envision ending perpetual mental fluctuations and distractions ushering in an era for focused attention. We envision ushering in an era of responsible consumption and envisronmental sustainabilty. We envision initiating an international movement to propel the mission of unity of diversity for common good.

Ours is a high energy initiative to usher in a era of world unity, happiness, helath, sustainability, peace and harmony. We need your blessuings help!